Living the Love and Peace of Christ
“Living the love and peace of Christ.”
The Parish of Karkloof seeks to follow the way of Christ towards building an active community of peace, love and justice, free of violence.
1. Worship and Spirituality: uplifting worship and spirituality which embraces a non violent peaceful expression of faith and being in the world.
2. Community life: Pastoral care, Education, ministry, involvement for all – a way of life which affirms caring for each other and learning to achieve God’s mission without causing harm.
3. Environment: Caring the environment that God created and learning ways of living which are not harmful.
4. Evangelising young families, youth and children: Reaching out to young families, youth and children.
Over 150 Years
Parish of Karkloof
For a little more than 150 years the Parish of Karkloof was the epicentre of Anglican ministry in the midlands of what was then Natal. It wasn’t called the Parish of Karkloof.
It was a network of small country churches; Nottingham Road, Rosetta, Lidgetton, York, Noodsberg, with St Luke’s in Howick as the centre. In addition, in places where there was no church building, visiting clergy took services in farmer’s homes.
Until 1871, there was no resident priest in the area. Services were conducted by a resident deacon, and an occasional priest from Pietermaritzburg could from time to time conduct a Eucharist.
The Instant Porridge Donation at Midlands Hospice
Revd. Bongani Maphumulo was delighted to drop off the instant porridge donation at Midlands Hospice this morning. Thanks to all our Parishioners who generously gave as part of our Lent giving challenge.
Heritage Day 2022
The congregation of St Luke’s celebrated our diverse cultures at the main service on Sunday 25 September. We then enjoyed a variety of different food and fellowship.
St Luke’s Howick
St Andrew’s Church Dargle
St Paul’s Curry Post
St Mark’s Shafton
St Matthew’s Lidgetton